Cyber Security
Product Portfolio
Our Cyber Security Portfolio provides comprehensive solutions for email protection, application and cloud security, network security, and data protection that are easy to buy, deploy and use. All of these products are available as a managed service, so no worries about keeping up to date.
Email Protection
Over 91% of targeted cyber-attacks start with an email.
Email-borne attacks interrupt business operations, cause financial damage, and compromise business integrity. With our Security Partner, Barracuda, we can protect your business with multiple layers of protection that includes all aspects of your email infrastructure including gateway defence, email resiliency, fraud protection, and user security awareness
Data Protection
Protecting your data has never been more crucial.
Today’s complex infrastructures and targeted cyber-attacks require a complete backup strategy that protects data wherever it resides— on‑premises or in the cloud. Our Managed Backup Services are truly “set it and forget it” solutions for total peace of mind.
Network Security
Network, content and web protection that keeps your business safe.
Secure your web applications, remote access, web browsing, mobile Internet, and network perimeters whether on-premises or in the cloud.